
My Favorite Postpartum Things

If you had asked me during this past pregnancy (with the exception of the final months, perhaps), I wouldn’t have described myself as miserable.  Now that I’m on the other side, though, I’m so ecstatically happy that I must have been pretty darn uncomfortable, fatigued, and otherwise icky-feeling for much of those nine months.  The contrast has led to a deeper appreciation of the wonders of postpartum life (well, hormonal fluctuations notwithstanding).  Besides the obvious perks of  a new baby, here are some otherwise mundane activities which are newly imbued with wonder and joy:

(to the tune of My Favorite Things)

Motrin & waistlines & clipping my toenails,

At last I no longer feel like a beached whale,

No more of heartburn’s unpleasant feelings,

These are a few of my favorite things.


Visits from family & meals from the neighbors,

Forgetting all about the pain of labor,

Stomach sleeping & the joy that it brings,

These are a few of my favorite things.


No longer constantly finding a bathroom,

I sure don’t miss all those sharp pains from my womb,

Bye-bye sciatica, hello nursing,

These are a few of my favorite things!


Seeing my feet, bending over,

having energy,

I simply remember my favorite things,

and then I don’t mind pregnancy.


What are some of your favorite postpartum things?  

8 thoughts on “My Favorite Postpartum Things

  1. hahaha! I LOVE this Rivki! I have very much the same feelings PP except I am totally aware how uncomfortable I am while pregnant. How do I get through it? Knowing that the day after I have the baby I will see my feet again ;) And soon I will be sleeping on my stomach, and not having heartburn, and the leg cramps will cease… ahh! I LOVE the PP weeks! :P

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