
When A Yes Should Be A No

I had to say “no” to writing this blog post yesterday (I strongly prefer to write my posts on Sunday, that way they come out bright and early Monday morning) because there was just too much going on. It was a balagan of a day. So here I am, writing this post shortly before lunchtime on Monday, and even though it’s not what I prefer, I am totally fine with it. Saying no was the right call in this case.

Saying no doesn’t come easily to me. Years ago, I was in a rehearsal for something, and mentioned that I had another rehearsal for another thing the following day, and was obviously stretched very thin. One of the women in that rehearsal commented to me, somewhat sharply, “don’t you know how to say no?”

No, in fact, I did not.

I love saying yes. I love being involved. I love performing and speaking and writing and I want to say yes to every opportunity that comes my way because they’re all just so exciting!

But, as we all know, I can’t say yes to everything. Well, I could try (and I did try), but the results weren’t pretty. I’ve learned over the years that I have to say no.

The upcoming episode of Normal Frum Women is going to talk all about boundaries, and saying no. We quote Brene Brown, we hear from some normal frum women, we share our own experience and two amazingly wise women weigh in with their advice, plus all the other good stuff you can expect in an episode of our podcast.

The episode airs this Wednesday.

Speaking of the podcast, we’ve hit 1,000 downloads already, and it’s very, very excited and we’re very, very grateful to everyone who has taken the time to listen! Thank you!!!

Something I was excited to say yes to is appearing as a guest (with Alex Fleksher, of course!) on Rabbi Daniel Korobkin’s (of the BAYT in Toronto) show this coming Sunday, February 14th, at 10:30 am (EST). The program is open to the public, so feel free to tune it if it works for you!

2 thoughts on “When A Yes Should Be A No

  1. Hi!
    I just listened to your second podcast. I really really really enjoyed it! Both guests were so insightful and I feel like I learned a lot about setting boundaries. Thank you and keep ’em coming!

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