Mesorah (Jewish stuff)

What’s Religion Doing in My Closet?

One of the things that most appeals to me about Judaism is its attention to detail and its involvement in daily life.  It’s not just something I do once a week, or on the holidays, or when I’m overcome by a feeling of religious fervor.  It’s not something only the priestly class is involved with.… Continue reading What’s Religion Doing in My Closet?

Mesorah (Jewish stuff)

In Defense of Pop Chassid

I’ve been following Pop Chassid’s blog for a little while now.  I enjoy and respect his perspectives on Judaism, and life, and admire his bravery for tackling topics that are, shall we say, on the unpopular side. I don’t like conflict.  I don’t like being yelled at online by people I don’t even know.  So,… Continue reading In Defense of Pop Chassid


Maternity clothes – to buy or to borrow

One of the many, many things I love about being in the Orthodox community is the massive amount of lending that occurs between friends, acquaintances and, well, everyone.  There are these things called gemachs (an acronym for gemilus chasadim, which translates roughly to “acts of kindness”) where you can get all sorts of things, often… Continue reading Maternity clothes – to buy or to borrow