Menu Plan

September Menu Plan

I have a confession to make:  I didn’t menu plan at all in August.  Not once.  You can imagine me, wandering the aisles of the supermarket aimlessly, with only a list of essentials, without focus and drive.  Our dinner situation was less than ideal many times.  It was a disaster!  Thankfully, my husband is supremely understanding.

Why did this happen?  Partly, my lack of a functioning oven (thanks to my curious toddler) has seriously dampened my drive to cook.  There are only so many things I can do on the stove-top before I start wishing that I could just pop a kugel in the oven.  Plus, my toaster oven bit the dust, so there goes my milchig repertoire!  Ah, Murphy’s Law.  Those losses, combined with the upheaval of moving, resulted in the lack of menu planning.

However, some good did come out of the chaos.  I tried some new things that I wouldn’t have previously, and I introduced some new regulars into my snack routine.  I learned that I like a little wiggle room in my organization.  So, I’m going to add one “wild card” item to my shopping list each week, that way I can explore other food choices without feeling like I’m deviating from my plan.

And how happy am I to present this month’s plan?  Very.

Note that for about a week before Rosh Hashanah I am basically not making dinner, just pulling out meals from the freezer.  I want to try and simplify the cooking preparation for the holiday, and hopefully go into the new year with a low stress level.

I’ve never actually planned for this many RH meals before, as we’ve always gone out for most of them.  However, now that the kids’ bedtimes are a factor, as well as just wanting to be home and be a host for a change, I’m trying to plan these out.  So, if you have any suggestions for ways to make things smooth, I’d love to hear them!  Also, if you want to come for a meal, we’d love to have you!

A common chicken soup variation, with egg nood...
chicken soup: it's just so good


Week One

  • Sunday, the 4th ~ Noodles with cheese, Marinated Zucchini Salad
  • Monday, the 5th ~ Ribollita con Ceci – a seriously yummy sounding soup from Ilana-Davita, leftover salad from yesterday
  • Tuesday, the 6th ~ Honey-Thyme Glazed Chicken with 3-Onion Jam (from Kosher by Design Lightens Up), Near East Rice
  • Wednesday, the 7th ~ Za’atar-Rubbed Halibut (KBDLU), steamed green beans, Israeli couscous
  • Thursday, the 8th ~ Pasta with Middle Eastern spices,  Lemony Chickpea Salad
  • Shabbos evening, the 9th ~ Gefilte Fish,  Spreads (Hummus, olives, heart of palm),  Sweet Potato Salad (KBDLU), Chicken Soup (from freezer), Noodle Kugel (store bought, unless my oven is finally fixed), Delicious Juicy Chicken, Coconut Milk Ice Cream.  I’ll probably bake something if I can.

Week Two

  • Sunday, the 11th ~ leftovers from Shabbos
  • Monday, the 12th ~ Black Bean Chili, Cornbread (assuming the oven works, that is)
  • Tuesday, the 13th  ~ Curry Chicken (KBDLU), Basmati Rice
  • Wednesday, the 14th ~ Salmon Burgers (KBDLU), Baked Spicy Sweet Potato Fries (Quick & Kosher)
  • Thursday, the 15th ~ Pasta Mama Rosa, Wilted Red Peppers with Garlic
  • Shabbos evening, the 16th ~ Tuna Croquettes (from Kosher by Design Short on Time), Spreads, Purple cabbage salad, Lentil Soup (Q&K), Broccoli Kugel (Q&K), Confetti Chicken (KBDLU), Frozen Pumpkin Pie (KBDLU)

Week Three

  • Sunday, the 18th ~ leftovers from Shabbos
  • Monday, the 19th ~Creamy Cauliflower Soup, Israeli couscous
  • Tuesday, the 20th ~ Chicken Lo Mein
  • Wednesday, the 21st ~ Black Bean Chili (from freezer)
  • Thursday, the 22nd ~ Pasta Salad
  • Shabbos evening, the 23rd ~ Tuna Croquettes (from freezer), Spreads, Beet Salad (Spice & Spirit), Chicken Soup (from freezer), Broccoli Kugel (from freezer), Duck Sauce Chicken (Q&K), Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Week Four

  • Sunday, the 25th ~  leftovers from Shabbos
  • Monday, the 26th ~ Salmon Burgers (from freezer)
  • Tuesday, the 27th ~ Creamy Cauliflower Soup (from freezer)
  • Rosh Hashana Evening 1, the 28th ~ Yummy Round Challahs (yay!),  the Simonim, Sweet and Sour Salmon (S&S), Waldorf Salad (S&S), Chicken Soup with Kreplach (Hadassah Jewish Holiday Cookbook), Honey Chicken (Q&K), Tzimmes (HJHC), Honey Cake Minis (HJHC)
  • Rosh Hashana Day 1, the 29th ~ Sweet and Sour Salmon (leftover), Spreads, Broccoli and Olive Salad (S&S), Pot Roast (S&S), Tzimmes (leftover), Oatmeal Apple Crisp (S&S), Honey Cake Minis (leftover)
  • Rosh Hashana Evening 2, the 29th ~ Baked Gefilte Fish, Waldorf Salad (leftover), Chicken Soup with Kreplach (leftover), Bruschetta Chicken (KDBLU), Lokshen Kugel (S&S), Oatmeal Apple Crisp (leftover), Ancie’s Carrot Cake (KBDLU)
  • Rosh Hashana Day 2, the 30th ~ This meal is basically just leftovers from the previous three meals.


As always, my husband takes his cheese sandwich, fruit & chips combo to work.  On the days that he’s home, he usually eats the same thing, so that’s easy.  I tend to finish leftovers or make an egg or pasta dish.  Or, I just finish whatever my kids don’t eat from their lunch.  Whatever is the easiest, really.

The kids will typically eat pasta, cheese sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, or scrambled eggs for lunch.  I found  some great microwavable corn on the cob, so that’s a nice side.  I’m trying to introduce more vegetables into their diet. Leftover gefilte fish is usually a hit with them, too, carrots and all.  Peas have been out of the rotation for a while, so I’ll probably reintroduce them.


After I go on my baking spree, I’ll have lots of muffins, scones and cookies to choose from.  Other favorite snacks include raisins and almonds (who’s humming the song now?), protein bars (like CLIF or Luna), and maybe, when I’m feeling very good, fruit.  My husband is great about snacking on fruit.  I am great at snacking on carbs.  Sigh.

Happy cooking, and Shanah Tovah!


image via Wikipedia

To keep up with more menu plans, you can subscribe, find me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter.  :)

16 thoughts on “September Menu Plan

  1. I’m great about snacking on carbs, too – LOL. I’m inspired by your RH meal plans. Also realizing that I need to do my September post. (Easy is the theme!) And also, wishing I *could* come over for an RH meal … and then I could return the invite for Sukkot, since that’s my favorite chag to host for… wishful thinking!

  2. Your menu looks great. I’d love to get the sweet and sour salmon recipe. Must be something about the summer because I didn’t do a monthly meal plan for August either. And I felt the effects — spent more on groceries and we ate out too much. I already have my September plan done and doing my shopping today. Feels good to be organized again!

  3. Haha! I NEVER menu plan. That’s the benefit of having an excellent chef for a husband. It only becomes hard when, you know, he isn’t home to cook. So maybe I should have a menu plan for those “just in case” days.

  4. I love menu-planning for the week and do it religiously, but have never done it in advance for an entire month. I’d never know at the start of the month how many meals we’ll feel like hosting, which ones, and for how many extra people. How do you work that into your monthly plans?

    1. It’s a great question, Tali! My Shabbos (and this month, holiday) meals are planned basically for our little family, and then if we have guests, I’ll add an extra salad and side. We have a teeny table right now, so the amount of guests we have is limited.

  5. Your menu planning is very impressive! I dont know how to plan dinner for tomorrow! Ill definitely be checking back for dinner inspirations

    1. Thanks Zahava! Not knowing what to make for dinner tomorrow is the reason I started menu planning in the first place! It makes my days less stressful, and my shopping trips less frequent. Those are both good things, in my opinion!

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