Menu Plan

Menu Ideas for the Nine Days

Illustration of various salmon
fish heads, fish heads, roly poly fish heads

Hi! Welcome to my blog! Maybe you came to find something to cook for the nine days, but you can certainly stay and read a little more about the truth about feeding small children, maybe get a little inspired by a shift in perspective, or just laugh about the time I had to disassemble my oven. If you like what you read, you can sign up for posts via email (in the sidebar there). I post about once a week or once every two weeks, so your inbox won’t be flooded by my presence, no worries. Or you can follow my Facebook page, which is more active. Whatever works for you! Enjoy! 


It’s hard to believe that the Nine Days are already upon us.   They just snuck right up.  In case you’re not familiar with the rules for food during Nine Days, meat and wine are off the menu.  Last year I posted some menu ideas, but they were a little light on the protein.  This year, I’m going for a more balanced menu.

It’s not a real menu plan per se, since my husband is working some crazy shifts and won’t always be home exactly for dinner.  I don’t know about you, but when my husband isn’t around for dinner, I am totally cool with eating cereal.  Or chips and salsa.  Or a cheese sandwich.  My kids eat roughly the same selection of food for dinner every night, so they’re good.  I just don’t have the motivation to get things dirty in order to feed myself.  Not the healthiest choice, but, hey, dishes.

Anyways, here are some ideas for dinner plans during these next nine days:

  • Jeff Nathan’s Pan Roasted Salmon with Summer Vegetables – this is from the Summer 5771 Joy of Kosher magazine.  I just got this, and I’m enjoying it so far.  This dish has protein (fish), veggies and I would probably serve it with rice (Near East rice, my favorite).
  • Smoked Salmon Salad – also from the Summer 5771 Joy of Kosher.  This salad also has bagel chips, so it can really fill you up.  I love a salad as a meal.
  • Mediterranean Tuna Burger – again, Summer 5771 Joy of Kosher.  I would include some fries with this burger, but not the deep-fried fries (ewww).  I made the Vegetable Fries from the same magazine, and they were DE-licious.  Sweet potato, parsnip and beet sprinkled with olive oil and baked, then sprinkled with a little kosher salt.  Everyone loved them, even the baby!
  • Vegetable and Cheese Filled Pasta Shells, from  This meal is an all-in-one.  You have the starch, the protein and the veggies.  Easy Peasy.
  • This Quinoa and Smoked Tofu Salad from  looks amazing.  I might actually consider making this one for myself..
  • Ilana-Davita shares an Egg Curry recipe, which would be good to make, especially since I have four cans of coconut milk sitting in my pantry.
  • This Roasted Butternut Squash and Pear Soup from Midwest Mama in Israel sounds delicious, and would help me use up the remainder of the butternut squash I have sitting in my fridge.

We’ll see which of these meals I actually make, and which I’ll save for a future menu plan.

What about the meal before the fast?  What is everyone making for that?  Is there a specific dish that you always prepare?  I’d love to know! 


image via Wikipedia

14 thoughts on “Menu Ideas for the Nine Days

  1. We had some gorgeous fish that my husband’s daughter’s boyfriend (whew) bbq-ed for us at the beach last night. I took pix and will blog about it probably tomorrow.

  2. Rivki,

    How do you have time to make any of this stuff????? My darling children don’t let me spend this much time in the kitchen!!


    1. Maya’le, I feel your pain. I have been there! DE is 10 months old, so he’s able to entertain himself for a little bit (or M entertains him). I kind of cook in stages throughout the day – prep veggies in the morning, etc. I also try to do stuff which takes not so many pots. Or, sometimes I just feel ambitious. And sometimes it’s just noodles and cheese. Miss you!

  3. These recipes look so good! I’m always looking for new fish recipes. I have a really good terriyaki salmon and leaks recipe I’ll try to post soon for you.

  4. Thanks for putting this up. I’ve been thinking on and off today about putting up my nine days menu on my blog, and now you’ve inspired me to do it. Check it out later…

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