Mesorah (Jewish stuff)

Torah is in Everything

Wow, it’s been so busy. So, so busy. With all good things.

The opening for the Cleveland Arts and Culture Lab was a couple weeks ago, Monday, the 9th (I think. I’m not motivated enough to verify that date right now, so sorry if I’m wrong). It was incredible, and I am so grateful for the opportunity to have participated in a fellowship that was so full of achdus and creativity. Truly amazing.

After Lag B’Omer, I’ll share with you the video and song I made for it. That’s soon!

I also wrote another piece for Hevria where I share how much I struggle with being jealous of other people’s professional success. It’s hard sometimes!

Finally, I received a message from someone who mentioned that it seemed that all I ever talk about anymore is music and writing, and that I shouldn’t stop learning and teaching Torah.

At first I was kind of offended, because, I mean, I’m still very much learning and teaching Torah, it just doesn’t always make it onto the internet. And also I feel like there are actual Rebbetzins who do it so much better than me, and who know so much more, so I felt like, you know, I’m not exactly the most qualified.

But after I got over my bruised ego there, I realized that I do miss posting divrei Torah. There’s nothing like teaching to make you have to learn something, seriously. So I will try to do more of that. BLI NEDER.

However, please note, if it’s not already apparent, that everything I do is really about Torah. When I write an article about struggling with jealousy, it’s because I’m trying to avoid the Torah prohibition of not being jealous. And when I write about anything having to do with self-improvemnt, it’s me working on my middos. When I post about music, it’s me using an ability that Hashem gave me, an ability that Rabbi Chalkowski told me not to neglect.

As a frum Jew, literally everything I do is connected to Torah, whether it’s how I’m parenting my children, what I’m eating, how I’m planning my week, how I relate to other people, to myself. There isn’t an area of my life that’s not touched by it somehow.

Yeah, it’s not like that’s all I think about all the time, and I could certainly grow in my observance in some ways, and I could avoid doing some stuff that probably isn’t the greatest, but the overall parameters of my life are guided by Torah.

So just in case that wasn’t clear guys, I’m all about being religious. Okay, glad that’s out of the way. ;)

Have an amazing week!



3 thoughts on “Torah is in Everything

  1. Dearest Rivki,

    I’ve just read your post over at Hevria – wow!!! I LOVED it. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Once again, your beautiful writing is a breath of fresh air, an invitation to all of us to live more honest, authentic, self-aware, and truthful lives. You have once again helped us give ourselves permission to be who we are, without apology, And, as ever, your love for HaShem and His Torah shines through everything you write.

    Love always,

    Eva xxx

  2. Oh yeah, so I’ve been there in the position of someone telling me that I’m focusing too much on one thing or another. Stings. And then I find myself defending my choices. Sometimes I do that defensive thing because deep down I agree and sometimes because I very much disagree. Either way, it’s never fun to get an unsolicited opinion. Off to see the Hevria piece that I saved on FB but had not read yet. Glad to have the reminder!

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