
The End Of The Road

“Everything has to come to an end, sometime.”

-L. Frank Baum, “The Marvelous Land of Oz

Hello all the people who have found their way here, whether you’re a long-time reader or a first-time browser, I’m happy you stumbled across this little corner of the internet that I call my own.

I started this blog a very long time ago, feels like a lifetime ago, actually. It’s hard to remember the young woman I was when I first started sharing these posts that, honestly, I didn’t expect anyone but friends and family to read.

What began as a way to stay in touch with people I loved who lived far away turned into a wonderful outlet for expression that led to other wonderful outlets for expression that I now have the privilege of devoting my attention to (and, more to the point, get paid for).

So while I love this little blog, I am no longer going to be updating it (something my long-time readers surely have already noticed).

If you want to check out what I’m doing now, you can follow me on Instagram or the Meaningful Minute app. New articles published in Family First can be found at that link.

You can also subscribe to Deep Meaningful Conversations, the podcast that I co-host with Alex Fleksher, where we DMC about the topics on the minds of frum women with a unique blend of expert guests and relatable conversations. It’s like having a coffee date with friends, you should totally come listen if you aren’t already.

If you want to check out some of my blog posts, here are some of my favorites:

Why I’m Indoctrinating My Children (And Why You Are, Too)

What’s Religion Doing In My Closet?

Ten Years of Being A Jew

Why I Almost Quit Performing

What Makes Jewish Music “Jewish?”

How I Met My Husband

Just a reminder that some of these posts are pretty old, and, like anyone who is growing and learning, my views have evolved over the past decade. While I love everything I’ve written here, I wouldn’t necessarily write it that way again, if you know what I mean. You might love going back and reading your diary from ten years ago, but also some parts might make you cringe. You understand what I mean.

It’s been so nice sharing this space with you, looking forward to our interactions in these new spaces. You can always still just email me, I love that too.

Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

13 thoughts on “The End Of The Road

  1. Good for you!

    I’m so glad to have met you TEN years ago during Hanukkah Hoopla! Wishing you well, my sweet friend! See you on IG!

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  2. Sad to see it go. May your journey take you to different places that will make you rise higher.

  3. I’m sorry to see you go! I don’t do Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, but I do listen to Normal Frum Women, so I’ll probably email you again at some point!

  4. I also ‘met’ you here, so I feel compelled to write a comment. I always liked the blog and I’m really glad it gave me the chance to connect to you. But all things do indeed come to an end. Great that you have writing opportunities you get paid for! :-)

  5. I’ll miss your blog, Rivki. It’s been such a happy place for me to hang out for the past ? years. And it’s been great knowing you. Thank you for all your inspiration, honesty, humour, wisdom, and most importantly for sharing your journey with us. Wishing you every joy and blessing for your future and see you in these other spaces! xxx

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